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Theme of the lesson: Attachments
Aims of the lesson:
To consolidate the unit language with a story
To integrate other areas of the curriculum into the English class
To develop the cross-curricular topic through a short project.
Talking about things in the present that started in the past
Procedure of the lesson
Stages and time management
Teachers activity
Pupils activity and form of interaction
I. Organization moment (2 m)
Greetings , questions to the pupil on duty
Greet the teacher , answer the questions.
II. Phonetic drill(3 min)
Irregular verbs (textbooks)
Look, listen and repeat all together and then read
III. Main part

Lets begin our lesson! Look at the board Today well speak on the topic-" Attachments"
1. Warm- up and actualization of knowledge - checking up the home work
2. Reading texts (cards)- Jig-Saw device (pupils work in pairs, read their texts, then make their pert of the general cluster, present it and listen to the others presentations, make notes)
3. Revision of the grammar
Past Perfect (cards)
Texts about towns and cities

V. Reflexing
Review what we have studied today, home task-the rule at p. 200, 6, p. 204 put the verbs into Past Perfect or Past Simple.
Estimations for the lesson.
Listen and speak, write down the h/t
Grammar: Present perfect with for and since
Reading: P58 Ex2. Read out the introduction to the dialogue and look at the photos from 1900 and 1943. Ask students to indentify New York and to guess who the people are. Dont confirm or correct their answer yet. Play the recording while students listen and read. Were their ideas correct? You could ask students for their ide

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