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Short term plan
Grade: 7 "A"
School: School-gymnasium 9 named after N. Iliyasov
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2018
The name of the apprentice:
Zholmaganbetova Aizat Zhenisbekkyzy
Number of attendees: 13
Number of missing:
Theme of the lesson
Anti-virus security

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)
7. 4. 2. 1 Protect your computer from malware
Lesson objectives
Show students a computer virus and teach types of virus removal
Success criteria
All students:
All students know the concept of a virus
Several students:
Several students teach types of anti-virus
Few students:
Few students know how to remove a virus
Language objectives
Subject vocabulary and terminology:
Компьютерлік вирус - компьютерный вирус - computer virus
Ұстағыш вирустар - вирусы носители - carrier virus
Логикалық бомбалар - логические бомбы - logical bombs
Құрттар - глисты - worms
Троян аттары - Троянский коней - Trojan horse
Вирус - вирус - virus
Резидент - резидент - resident
Антивирус - антивирус - antivirus
Сақтау орталығы - центр защиты - protection center

A series of useful phrases for dialogue/writing:
How protect computer from malware
English, Russian, Kazakh languages and self-knowledge
(5 "T" rules), letters
Previous learning
Computer networks
Planned stages of the lesson
Planned activities in the classroom
Beginning (2 minute)
Beginning is done using the "I wish you" method.

Homework (3 minute)
Homework is done using the "I choose" method. To the blackboard

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