goes those who completed their homework. Any right answer is appreciated by a smiley.
Divide into group (2 minute)
Divide into groups is done using the "SMART SWEETS" method. The name of the group is written on candy. Name of the groups "Trojan horse" and "Logical bombs".
Open the topic (3 minute)
Open the topic is done using the "FOUR PICTURE, ONE WORD" method. Pupils look at the pictures and open the topic of the lesson.
The name of the group, sweets, papers
Interactive board
New lesson (225 minute)
New lesson is explained video.
Work with group (73 minute)
Work with group is done using the "Jigsaw" method. Students create project. Theme of the project: "What antivirus do you want to do?" Every best project is appreciated by a smiley.
Practical work
On technical issues practically the task will not be!
Work with copybook (3 minute)
Write a new word and vocabulary on your copybook.
Компьютерлік вирус - компьютерный вирус - computer virus
Ұстағыш вирустар - вирусы носители - carrier virus
Логикалық бомбалар - логические бомбы - logical bombs
Құрттар - глисты - worms
Троян аттары - Троянский коней - Trojan horse
Вирус - вирус - virus
Резидент - резидент - resident
Антивирус - антивирус - antivirus
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