Sport - конспект для урока

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And I have chosen the 5th grade, the theme was “Sport” the 1st lesson of the Unit. At the lesson students had to guess what would be the theme of the lesson and learn new words. Through the lesson we fix the new words in all exercises. We can see Bloom’s Taxonomy through the lesson because exercises follow from simple to complex. During our lessons we are to use formative assessment because it helps children to understand what they do well .The main idea is to show different kind of sports in our world.

At the beginning  lesson“hook” is demonstrated.  This reception was used at the beginning of lesson in order that to interest children and engage in the further process of lesson. Students watch video reflect about what a today's lesson will be and students see new words  and hearing their pronunciation and  repeat them.

Individual work: Children guess two types of cross word puzzle with new words. There were different in complexity of tasks. In this exercises I want that learners find new words and remember how write it yourself. It was differentiation.

After this exercise students did toddler «Can you?», in that they heard grammar of modal verb CAN. Studying this pause similarly was show on video. So students in a playing form tune in to grammar and fluently pass to her reiteration.

For consolidating of grammar children work in pairs. They make a dialogue about sport and use the modal verb can. In this exercise they repeat new words and use grammar.

Collaboration work. Children unite in groups, they are given one task to do. In groups children must be able to be shared out  by ownership opinion, they able to hear out other and similarly to help each other. That all these  aims were executed, I divide children by mini groups consisting of 3 -4 children.

The main part of the lesson was reading. I gave students a picture and the text.

They read and translate the text, then underline words about sport. When learners were reading the text and they were to underline the sentences and answer the questions. Then students have to write what type of sport they like and why. Here was used  Bloom’s Taxonomy, because tasks become complicated and in it children have to logically reflect.

Critical thinking strategies give students a chance to analyze and process the information in valuable ways.

At the end of the lessons was a summarizing I chose a cinquain for students.

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