подсчитаем количество звездочек у каждого игрока. У кого их меньше выбывает.
А сейчас давайте дадим отдохнуть игрокам, а в это время учитель проводит игру со зрителями.
Ответьте на вопросы. Answer to my questions.
What is the capital of Russia? (Moscow)
How many stars on the American flag? (50)
What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
It is not big. It is small. It can jump. It can swim. It cant go. It is green. It lives in the river. (a frog)
It is not small. It is big. It can run and go. It cant jump. It cant fly. It is grey. (an elephant).
It is not small. It lives in the house. It can climb, run and jump. It can be grey, black, white and orange. (a cat)
It is big. It lives in the river. It can swim. It can go. It cant climb. It is green. (a crocodile)
It is not big. It is small. It lives in the house. It can run. It is grey. It says: Pee-pee-pee. (a mouse)
It is big. It can run, go and climb. It lives in the forest. It is brown. (a bear)
Хорошо. Пришло время продолжить нашу игру. Осталось три игрока и еще 2 тура.
4-й тур. Names.
XI. Names of months:(слайд 11)
When is election day in the USA? (5)
When is Christmas in the USA? (1)
When is Independence Day in the USA? (6)
When is Thankgiving Day in the USA? (5)
When is Veterans Day in the USA? (5)
Закончился 4й тур игры. И в финал выходят …. . (имена ребят).
Задание для финала.
XII. Names of writers:(слайд 12)
Джонатан Свифт
Даниель Дефо
Марк Твен
Редьярд Киплинг
Льюис Кэрролл
Уильям Шекспир
Who is an American writer? (3)
Who wrote The Jungle Book? (4)
Who wrote Romeo and Juliet? (6)
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