Знаменитый писатель Р. Киплинг

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r/>Gr. : All his life Kipling was admired by the people he came in touch in with. Не was respected for his generosity, his sense of humour and his pleasant ways. He was said to be extremely modest.
9) When did R. Kipling publish his first volume?
Gr. : At 21 he published his first volume.
10) What was R. Kiplings attitude to the war?
Gr. : During the South African war (1899-1902) Kipling supported the policy of British expansion. However, he saw the dangers of imperialism; many times he took the side of the natives of India, fully aware their suffering under imperialism. At the end of his life Kipling саmе to hate war, which formerly hе had thought to be inevitable. His hatred of war is evident in such works as Mary Postdate (1915), the Gardener (1926). The tragic loss of his son John led Kipling to change from being the poet of empire, to the poet of bitterness and guilt.
11) What did R. Kipling receive in 1907?
Gr. : In 1907 he received the Nobel Prize for literature; he was the first writer, the first English man to whom the prize was awarded.
12) R. Kipling built а new house. How did he саll it?
Kipling wanted to have his own house. When he got very famous (with his stories
"Plain tales from the Plain Hill", the novel "Naulahka") and got enough money, а big new house was built and called Naulahka, which means "great treasure".
III. Presenting and discussing the Project "The Jungle Book".
The group consists of three pupils; they have 10 minutes for speaking, 3 minutes for each pupil.
1). Teacher: "R. Kipling was а new master of fiction". Why? Listen to the presentation of the Project "The Jungle Book" and prove that R. Kipling was а new master of

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