Земля - опасное место

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й ветер или буря.
P4: A tornado is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed across land. Торнадо - очень яростный ветер в форме воронки (трубы) воздуха, который вращается с сильной скоростью.
P5: A volcano is a mountain with hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases are released from the crater. Вулкан - гора с дырой , кот. называется кратером в вершине. Иногда лава и газы выбрасывает из кратера.
P6: A drought is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water. Засуха - долгий период сухой погоды, когда недостаточно воды.

T: Ok! Very good. Thank you. Now lets listen the tape and check your answers. (Слайд 7 - аудио).
T: Were your answers right?
Ps: Yes, they were.

7. Чтение текста с полным пониманием прочитанного.
T: Today we are going to read the story about one day of the boys life. So, open your books please on page 24 exercise number 81. But firstly lets look at the next slide and read the words and the words combinations before reading the text. (Слайд 8)
(Приложение 2 - текст)

P1: A terrible disaster - Ужасное бедствие

P2: A disaster area - Зона бедствия

P3: Damage - Вред, повреждения

P4: To damage - Разрушать, вредить

P5: To do a lot of damage - Приносить много повреждений

P6: To shake each others hands / to shake hands with each other - Пожимать руки

T: Thank you. Now, I would like you to read the story for 3 minutes and then we will discuss it. You may start. (Слайд 9-10)

T: You have read the text. Was it clear? Now look at the screen and answer these questions, please. (Слайд 11)
P1: When did the Yungay earthquake take plac

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