Земля - опасное место

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P3: A disaster is something terrible, that kills a lot of people.
5. Введение новой лексики.
T: Well done! Now look at the next slide, please. (Слайд 6) So now lets name these natural disasters.
Earthquake - землетрясение
Hurricane - ураган
Tornado - торнадо
Volcano - вулкан
Flood - наводнение
Drought - засуха
6. Активизация в речи новых лексических единиц.
T: And tell me, please, what are they mean? To answer this question, I would like you to look at the blackboard. Here you can see the words and the texts. Your task is to match them.
Match the words and the texts.
1) an earthquake2) a hurricane3) a tornado
4) a volcano 5) a flood 6) a drought
a) . . . . . . . is a large amount of water which quickly covers a place that is usually dry land.
b) . . . . . . . is a sudden shaking of the ground.
c) . . . . . . . . is a very violent wind or storm.
d) . . . . . . . . is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed across land.
e) . . . . . . . . . is a mountain with hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases are released from the crater.
f) . . . . . . . . . is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

(Приложение 1)
T: Now, I would like to go to the board, match the words and the texts, read and translate the sentences one by one. 1b) 2c) 3d) 4e) 5a) 6f)
P1: A flood is a large amount of water which quickly covers a place that is usually dry land. Наводнение - большое количество воды, которое покрывает обычно сухое место.
P2: An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground. Землетрясение - внезапное сотрясение земли.
P3: A hurricane is a very violent wind or storm. Ураган - яростны

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