on for you to study economics: to become a better economist. The study of this field will enable you to serve your customer better, improve the performance of your firm, and grow professionally.
What is the first reason to study economics?
What is the second reason to study economics?
What is the third reason to study economics?
Here are some ideas from the text you have just read. Write the correct paragraph number beside the idea.
1. Every day we deal with economic problems and have to make different choices.
2. We do not know many subjects but we do have some idea of economics.
3. If you want to make a good economist, you should study economics.
4. You cannot be an indifferent voter.
5. There are many convincing arguments that we must be economically literate.
Tick all the ideas that are appropriate in answering the question "Why study economics ?" according to the text.
1. We should study economics to properly evaluate the economic implications of public policy.
2. We should study economics to buy luxurious goods.
3. We should study economics to run ones own business successfully.
4. We should study economics to understand how a free market economy works.
5. We should study economics to make a good Congressman/ Member of
6. We should study economics to grow professionally.
1) Объяснение грамматического материала по теме The Attribute.
Определение обычно относится к существительному. Оно может занимать место перед определяемым существительным или после него. Определение отвечает на вопрос what? what kind? какой, whose? чей, which? какой, который ? и др.
Определение может быть выражено:
- прилагательным:
A diffi
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