Welcome to London

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2. Which river runs through London?
a) the Thames; b) the Severn; c) the Seine
3. Which birds ,according to the legend, protect the Tower of London?
a) pigeons; b) ravens; c) swans
4. Who said:"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life"?
a) Charles Dickens; b) William Shakespeare; c) Samuel Johnson
5. Which is the most famous shopping street in London?
a) Oxford Street; b) Downing Street; c) Baker Street
6. What is a "double-decker"?
a) a bus; b) a lorry; c) a ship
7. Which museum is situated at 221b Baker Street?
a) Tate Modern; b) Madam Tussauds; c) Sherlock Holmes Museum
8. What is the popular name for the underground system of London?
a) the Tunnel; b) the Channel; c) the Tube
9. What colour is the traditional London Taxi?
a) yellow; b) black; c)green
10. What is the London Eye?
a) a telescope; b) an observation wheel, c) a newspaper
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Запишите д/задание:
На оценку "5"-ex3 p22-пересказ текста
На оценку "4"-ex. 4 p 23 ответить на вопросы
На оценку "3"-ex. 1. p. 21заполнить диаграмму

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