We love the world

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Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар қаласы
2 мектеп-гимназияның
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Кеулімжаева Базаркүл Елеуқызы.
Учительница английского языка
школы - гимназии 2
города Шалкар Актюбинской области
Кеулимжаева Базаркуль Елеукызы.
5-th form .
The theme: We love the world.
The objectives: to develop pupils speaking, reading, writing and singing abilities.
to enrich their word - stock and train them in Grammar.
to bring them up to be good to nature and love it.
Intersubjective link: Music, Russian, Kazakh.
Visual aids used at the lesson: cards, pictures in slides.
The procedure of the lesson:
I. The beginning of the lesson: greeting, short conversation with pupils, etc .
Warming - up Exercise 1.
Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white.
II. Revision of the previous material about ecology:
a) Ts leading questions.
b) Video about Shalkars ecology.

III. Introduction of the new theme "We love the world. "
a) Grammar : The formation of Present Progressive tense.
b) Fill in the gaps using Present Progressive tense.
c) New active vocabulary according to the theme.
IV. Classroom Exercise 2 page 138. Whats happening around the world?
V. Translate the following sentences from Kazakh into English and Russian.
VI. a) Let us read and work on the text of Exercise 7 " The world is beautiful "
b) Comprehension check: True or false ?
c) Find sentences with Present Progressive tense.
VII. Game "Why. . . ? . . . because. . . . "
VIII. Answer the questions:
What should we do or shouldnt do in order t

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