Wacky Festivals

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Form: 5 A
Teacher: Buremenko L. I.
The Theme: Wacky Festivals ( Challenges 1,Patricia Mugglestone, by Pearson Longman)
The Objectives:
1) To teach pupils new vocabulary, to speak about Wacky Festivals using material of book
2) To develop speaking, reading, listening abilities (skills,habbits)
3) To respect traditions and culture of other people and our own country

1) Good morning, children! Please come up to me and stay in circle. Lets do a funny exercise.
The Australian rain.
In Australia began wind. ( rub ones hands)
It started rain. ( snap ones fingers)
It gets stronger. (clap ones hands on the breast)
It rains cats and dogs. (clap on hips)
Now, its real storm. (stamp ones legs)
The storm settles down. (clap on hips)
The rain gets calm. (clap ones hands on the breast)
The wind is getting calm. (rub ones hands)
Now, please sit down.
2) Today well speak about holidays and traditions of people from other countries and youll tell me in what festival youre going to take part.

3) Tell me what holidays, we celebrate, do you know? (New Year, Easter, Nauryz, Christmas, Womens Day, Armys Day, Mummys Day, St. Valentines Day, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween, Victorys Day).

4) And now match the date and holidays in groups then match your answers on the board. ( January,1, March,22, December 25, February,14, October,31, March,8, May,9)
5) Each holiday has its own ritual. Now match ritual and holidays. (Giving presents, sending postcards, painting eggs, baiga, great parad with soldiers).

6) What holidays do you like best and say why?

7) Have you ever taken part in any of these holidays?

8) Theyre usual, traditional holidays, but there

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