тие умения прогнозировать содержание текста)
T: Look at the pictures and the texts by schoolchildren. How are they related to the title of the unit?
P:Both pictures and the text relate to life in the future.
T: There are predictions about the future.
Look at the pictures on p. 46. What can you see in the pictures?
P1: Picture1: glass domes, underwater cities
P2: Picture2: robotic housemaids
P3: Picture3: special suits
P4: Picture4: flying cars
b) b) ex. 2, p. 46
(развитие умения поискового чтения)
T: Read the texts and choose the best answer
1B 2A 3B 4A
c)работа в группах.
T:Which predictions do you think will come true? Discuss in groups. Use the given clichés to make up sentences
I think . . . . . .
I believe . . . . . . . .
I am sure . . . . . . . .
People will have / live / go by /study at . . .
There will be / wont be . . . . . . .
V. Физкультминутка
Look left, right Look up, look down Look around. Look at your nose Look at that rose Close your eyes Open, wink and smile. Youreyesarehappyagain.
VI. Повторение образования и употребления FutureSimple. Освоение структуры придаточных предложений времени и условия. Отработка в речи FutureSimple в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формах.
a) НАДОСКЕ:What will life be like in the future?
I think life will be very different in the future.
T: Look at the blackboard and read the sentences. What tense do we use to make predictions?
P: We use Future Simple.
T: We use will to make predictions about the future based on what we think or imagine. We often begin our sentence with the words: I think, Im sure, I believe.
Example: I think life will be very different in 2100.
T:We use the pr
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