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ealing wounds and broken bones, and resisting infection. Many extravagant claims, such as curing cancer and preventing common colds, have been made for Vitamin C. While some evidence exists of side benefits, long term studies have failed to give conclusive evidence that C can produce miracles. Like other water soluble vitamins, however, C is easily depleted from the body, and any diet without sufficient C from fresh fruits and vegetables will need supplements.

Tasks to the A - Levels text:
1. Match the half-sentences to make correct and complete sentences:
1. Some typical symptoms of deficiency
are . . .
A. . . . the Latin word "vita" ("life") and
the Greek word "amine".
2. B12, found in the same foods and in milk products, serves . . .
B. . . . absorbed by the body with the aid
of fat and then stored in body fat.
3. A deficiency of Vitamin A can cause
. . .
C. . . . as a coenzyme in nucleic acid synthesis and development of red blood cells.
4. Vitamin D is particularly . . .
D. . . . fatigue, depression or anemia.
5. The water soluble vitamins, including Vitamin C and all of the B complex vitamins, are . . .
E. . . . only occur in extreme causes of malnutrition, but this doesnt mean that supplements might not be useful.
6. The word vitamin was formed from . . .
F. . . . angina (cardiovascular distress), for reasons not yet understood.
7. Vitamin E rich blood helped to
prevent . . .
G. . . . the twenty essential code elements.
8. The fat soluble vitamins, including A,
D, E and K, are . . .
H. . . . used up quickly or excreted in
urine and perspiration; they are not
stored and should be consumed daily.

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