ly and concentrate on the task. You prefer to work on your own. One of these careers will suit you: laboratory technician, librarian, artist, bank clerk, hair-dresser, architect.
If your score is between 90-135
You like to be very busy. You like to be with people and you like organizing things for them. One of the following careers will suit you: travel agent, journalist, hotel manager, salesperson, fireman.
7. Формування лексичних навичок та активізація їх у мовленні.
T: Do you know that personal qualities and your character traits are very important for choosing profession.
Now well read, translate and remember the personal qualities. (Students read the new world all together, then one by one. ( The teacher asks student translate into English and into Russian some of the words).
7cere - щирий Tactful - тактовний Temperate - стриманий Tolerant - терпимий Sociable - товариський Optimistic - оптимістичний Sensible - благородний.
9. Робота в групах.
Учні діляться на 3 групи на 5 осіб, і кожна група отримує картку із завданням.
The task: You should advise your classmate to make the right choice. You should consider the personal qualities of your classmates and the traits of character. Discuss the task in groups.
Card 1.
1. Vova wants to be a computer programmer.
What personal qualities should he have?
2. Solve a problem. You are the boss of the company. Youll have to hire one of the two employees. One of them is a very efficient worker. The other is not. But he is your close relative. What would you do?
P1. If I were a boss I would never hire any of my relatives, instead of a talented worker, because I wouldnt start risking my business and I would offer this job to the efficient employee.
P2. I a
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