Using E-mail in Classes

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ictly for the birds. They dont
do any damn more molding at Pencey than they do at any other school. And I didnt know
anybody there that wos splendid and clear-thinking and all. Maybe two guys. If that
many. And they probably come to Pencey that way.

Chain stories or sentences:

Im the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. . .
You should continue these sentences
Organizing a story:
The following sentences come from the opening paragraph of a story, but they are in the wrong order. Your task is to put them in a logical order. Check the words and phrases that will help you decide the order:
But common to all his works was his humanity and his ability to describe human experiences and express peoples feelings.
In the 60s and 70s, you could hear Vysotskys hoarse voice coming from tape recorders in many Russian homes.
Vladimir Vysotsky, the legendary Russian actor, poet and singer-songwriter, was born in 1938 in Moscow
His songs appealed to all kinds of different people and they ranged from fantasy songs to adventure and war songs.
But common to all his works was his humanity and his ability to describe human experiences and express peoples feelings.
Vysotsky wrote his first song, Tattoo, when he was very
For twenty years, he was a leading actor in the avant-garde Taganka Theatre, where his performance as Hamlet was widely praised.
Vysotsky played in 30 films and composed songs for The Vertical Line, Dangerous Tours, and The Wind of Hope.

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