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ubmerge a large part of the town?
3. What had happened with the church?
4. What will you hear if you listen carefully?
5. What do you think can the faint sound the bells sway to and fro with a movement of the water?
Text 2.
The name of the mountain Cader Idris is connected by the ancient legend with Idris, the heroic warrior-bard. It is said the anyone sleeping in the night in the part of the mountain reputed to be the actual chair of the bard, will awaken either a poet or a madman.
A warrior-bard - бард-воин
It is said - говорят
Reputed to - считающий
Chair - место
1. What place is connected by the ancient legend?
2. Who was Idris?
3. What had happened with a man sleeping for a night in that part of the mountain?
4. What do you think about this legend?
Text 3.
St. David is the patron sain of Wales. He was a monk who lived on bread, water, herbs and leeks and died on March 1, 583 AD. The leek became the national emblem for Wales, and medieval soldiers used to wear leeks as they rode to battle. Nowadays, the leek is worn on March 1 and at international rugby matches (the daffodil is also a national emblem because its Welsh name is translated as a type of leek).
A patron saint - святой покровитель
A monk - монах
A herb - трава, растения
A leek - лук-порей
A daffodil - нарцисс
1. Who was St. David?
2. Why did the leeks become the national emblems for Wales?
3. When is the leek worn nowadays?
4. Why is the daffodil also a Welsh national emblem?
5. What do you prefer to wear the leek or the daffodil?
Text 4.
The Welsh national costume seen on dolls and postcards is largely a myth created for tourism. Certainly the 17-th century women wo

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