Углерод (Carbon)

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weight is 12,011. Its ion has two power levels. The external power level contains 4 electrons.
Учитель английского языка: And what is the ELECTRONIC formula of the atom? Who can write it on the blackboard?
(Ученик пишет формулу атома углерода)
Учитель английского языка: Very nice, thank you. But today we want to introduce you with this element more closely. Now we are going to watch a short film about carbon.
Учитель химии: Давайте посмотрим фильм об углероде! Чтобы облегчить ваше понимание всего сказанного в фильме, мы раздали вам листочки с новыми незнакомыми словами на прошлом уроке. Вы изучили эти слова дома?
Ученики: Да.
Учитель английского языка: Then lets watch the film!
(Учащиеся смотрят небольшой отрывок из лекции по химии об углероде. Фильм длится 10 минут).
Учитель английского языка: Ok, now we know a lot of new information about carbon. To make it more understandable, I want to listen to your reports about different modifications of carbon. I know, that you have done some reports at home, have not you?
Ученики: Yes, we have.
Учитель химии: Тогда давайте послушаем вас! Начнём с алмаза.
Ученик: A diamond is crystalline modification of pure carbon. The word diamond is from Greek, it means hardest steel or hardest substance. Everyone knows diamonds are hard and beautiful, it is a brilliant precious stone, but did you know a diamond could be the oldest material you might own? While the rock in which diamonds are found may be 50 to 1,600 million years old, the diamonds themselves are approximately 3. 3 billion years old. Diamonds also may be formed under the high pressures and temperatures at the site of meteorite impacts. Diamond is made up of repeating units of carbon atoms joined to four other carbon atoms. The

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