итель:Here are students from Russia. They are eager to tell us about the Volga.
Ученик 3:The Volga River is called "the mother of waters". It is one of the longest rivers in Europe. The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. The river has 200 branches and covers one-third of European part of Russia. In the 18th century the Volga River was one of the main merchant routes in Russia.
3. Викторина.
Учитель:Now I would like to invite you to take part in the quiz "The Great Russian Volga River "(Для участия в викторине приглашаются "американские" и "русские" учащиеся. За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает один балл).
1. This is the place that the Russian Volga River first starts (показывает на карте где берёт начало река Волга). There are a lot of towns along the Volga River. Ill give you a description of a town and you will give the name of it (Учитель зачитывает описания городов. Варианты ответов представлены на карточках и имеются у каждого учащегося). (Приложение 3)
It is an industrial centre; its defense became one of the most glorious events in the Great Patriotic War. (Волгоград)
It is a river port and a large industrial centre; the machine building industry is developed here. (Нижний Новгород)
It is an ancient Russian town; it was founded in 1152; the literary career of Ostrovsky was closely connected with this town. (Кострома)
It is a famous river and sea port. The food industry is developed with this town. (Астрахань)
It is an ancient Russian town, it was founded in 1148, it was famous for its watch factory and cheese factory. (Углич) (Слайд 5 (ответы))
2. The Volga River, called "the mother of waters", nourished many famous poets who devoted their poems to i
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