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T P1,
T P2,. . .

Речевая разминка.
T: You know there are a lot of countries. Today lets remember countries where English is an official language. Look at the pictures and name the country and its sightseeing. (работа со слайдами).
T: Great, you know these countries. And answer one more question. When you dont know what country to visit where can you ask for advice? (travel agency)
T Cl
Основной этап урока.
T: Now lets work in 4 (3) groups! Imagine that all of you work in the travel agency. Each group has to name the agency! (1 min) Choose the manager of your travel agency and one tourist. Take one card. There is a name of the country there. You have 5 min to introduce this country in the best way. (учащиеся получают карточки Приложение 1)
T: Now lets imagine we are visiting the travel agency. Our first country is (слайды).
Учащиеся получают карточки - Приложение 2 и 3.
P1 P2
P3 P4
Заключительный этап урока.
На доске таблица:

1st agency

2nd agency

3rd agency

4th agency

T: What mark can you give the 1st manager and tourist?
(учащиеся сами выставляют оценки)
T: You worked well. It gave me great pleasure to work with you. Have a nice travelling! Thats all for now. Good-bye!
T Cl

first tourist
(приветствие). Я могу вам помочь? Hello, can I help you?
Я бы хотел(а) посетить страну, где я смогу говорить по-английски. Id like to visit a country where I can speak English.
Id recommend you. . .
Im not sure. Id better think it over for a few day

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