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They, we, you - are
Причастие настоящего времени being
Причастие прошедшего времени been
His purse was empty. - Его кошелек был пуст.
Глагол to be в настоящем времени не переводится на русский язык. А в прошедшем: был, были, была.
To have - иметь
Настоящее время (Present Tense)
I -- have
Прошедшее время (Past Tense)
You- have
I, he, she, it - had
He, she, it- has
They, we, you - had
They, we, you - have
Причастие настоящего времени having
Причастие прошедшего времени had
He has given me a diamond ring. -- Он подарил мне кольцо с бриллиантом.
1 Четыре возможности выразить долженствование. Замените
подчеркнутые фрагменты текста формулировками из пунктов 1 -- 4. Не забывайте о необходимых грамматических преобразованиях и соответствиях!




said to (do) supposed to (do)

supposed to (do)

meant to (be) intended to (be)
was to be


1. People sad that Joe drinks three bottles of whisky every day.
Joe is said to drink three bottles of whisky every day.
2Rumour has it that he eats ten hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
3His manager claims that he sleeps on a bed of nails.
4The purpose of such torture is to gradually kill off all feelings of pain.
5 Some people reckon that he had robbed fifty banks when he was younger.
6 The reason for the bank robberies и to show the whole world that rules and regulations were not for him and that he is in a class of his own.
7It is alleged that he has 30 children.
8He wanted to prove that he is a real womanizer.
9It is believed that he killed a lion with h

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