Традиции Великобритании

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I know that at home you read this text, lets remember our lexic. Take yellow cards there are a lot of words, please divide these words into three columns, any way you like.
Учащиеся распределяют слова: St Davids day, May day, The trooping of the colour , Guy Fawkes Day , Swan Upping, Highland Games, The State Opening of Parliament. , Carol Singing, Up-Helly-Aa
Daffodil, patron, flowers, colour, swan, to toss the caber, gold carriage, guy, ship, carol
1st March, 1st May, June, July, August, October, 5th November, January, December
Учитель просит продолжить каждый столбик и дать название каждой группе слов.

And now I want you to guess for what holiday you can send these congratulations.
Will you read the congratulation?
How do you think when we can send it?
On what holiday can we wish the people it?
Опрос кто знает больше

(у детей на партах лежат конверты) You can open it. Tell me what can you see?
Students: we see pictures.
1. Развитие умений говорения по теме с использованием опор.

Teacher: Well done. you are so smart, do you like to play?
Lets play game where is the logic, you will have three pictures, and your task is using the text to find information. . . . what holidays is it and prove it.
Учитель показывает картинки и просит учащихся догадаться, о каком празднике идёт речь, используя текст. Прокомментировать каждую картинку и разыграть элементы праздника.
Match the flower and its name (1 point for each correct answer, plus 1 to the fastest team if everything is correct):
Arrows and bow
Maypole dancing

St David

Look at the screen. How

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