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- . . . , start, please.

- The next exercise is the 14th. Complete the sentences using the words from Ex. 9 and Ex. 10.
- And the first sentence is for . . .

- And now Ex. 15. Translate from English into Russian.
- . . . , start.

- So, Ex. 16. Listen to the song "This land is your land".

- Okay, let us try to translate the song.
- Who wants to try?
- Okay,. . . , you.

-Well, now repeat line by line after the speaker.

-So, now you.
- Who wants to start?
- . . . , please.

- Write down your home-task:
1) ex. 16, p. 76 (learn the song by heart).

- Im very satisfied with your answers.
Your marks are . . . .
- Good bye. See you next lesson.

- Good afternoon, teacher.

- Im on duty today.
- Today is the 4th of March.
- Today is Wednesday

опрос учеников

ученики слушают песню
ученики переводят песню

ученики повторяют слова за диктором

ученики по очереди читают слова песни

запись д/з в дневниках

исправлять фонетические ошибки

помогать с переводом незнакомых слов

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