er in ones inner thoughts or outward action, when made in true faith in its power. Therefore, we rightly make it when we start and close our prayers; when we enter a Church; when we kiss the icons of the Saints; when the name of the Persons of the Holy Trinity; the name of the Virgin Mary, and of the Saints are pronounced during the Services; when sacred instances occur during the Divine Liturgy;
when we start and finish our meals; and many other occasions.
Its frequent repetition, when we are mindful of its significance, can become to us a source and fountain of every blessing.
Finally, as in other Christian lands, crosses are for purposes of commemoration, veteration and as the fulfillment of vows were erected in Russia on holy spots or simply along the roads since time immemorial.
The church interior
As the Old Temple of Solomon, built by Gods direction (Exodus 25:40), was divided into three parts: the Holy of Holies, the Sanctuary and the Courtyard, so also the St. Andrei Rublev church in Electrostal (the Christian temple) incorporates three basic parts:
the Sanctuary
The Sanctuary signifies the heavenly world where God resides in everlasting light; the earthly paradise where our original parents Adam and Eve lived; and finally, the place from where our Lord had gone forth to preach, where He had established the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist, where He suffered, died on the Cross, rose from the Dead and Ascended into Heaven. The Sanctuary is the place where only the celebrant and the assistants (priests, deacons, sub-deacons, servers – all in sacerdotal vestments) serve at Throne of the King of Glory. All others may not enter the Sanctuary (VI Ec. Council Canon 69, Laodoc. 44, etc. ).
The church or
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