The Present Perfect Tense

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T: Dear pupils, I will write a poem about school on the blackboard and after this we will read it all together and translate.
P: OK!

What to Remember in School
by Kenn Nesbitt
Forget that two times four is eight.
Forget the name of every state.
Forget the answers on the test.
Forget which way is east or west.
Forget the myths of ancient Rome.
Forget to bring your books from home.
Forget the words you learned to spell.
Forget to hear the recess bell.
Forget your homeroom teachers name.
Forget the after-school game.
Forget which teams supposed to win.
Forget to turn your homework in.
Forget the distance to the moon.
Forget how many days in June.
Forget the capital of France.
But dont forget to wear your pants!
3. Проверка домашнего задания (16 мин)
T: Lets check your homework. Open your copybooks and I will look. Who is not ready for today? Your home task was: ex. 2 p. 24, ex. 5 p. 26 and to learn by heart 10 irregular verbs.
P1: Im not ready.
T: Why?
P1: I dont know.
T: You know that you will need to do these exercises for the next lesson. You have unsatisfactory mark for your homework.
P1: Yes, I know. I will do it. Sorry.
T: OK. Now lets write a dictation. Repeat the words. You have 1 minute. Take a separate sheets of paper. Write your Name, Surname and write down the word "Dictation". (4 мин)
T: Go, come, do, fly, have, run, swim, sing.
T: Collect your works.
Подведение итогов первой части урока:
В первой части урока внимание детей было направлено на совершенствование разговорной речи, речевая зарядка помогла детям настроиться на рабочий лад и повторить правильное произношение звуков. Ди

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