The Journey of Blue arrow

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ifted to him. He would play with me then.
Soldier: Boys like to pay with toy soldiers.
Indian: Franchesco has been dreaming of a Blue Arrow.
Puppy: Lets go to him on the Blue Arrow.
Doll: I would be so happy to ride around the city!
Engine driver: But we dont know where he lives.
Puppy: Ill be able to find the way. After all, I am a dog.
Soldier: This is a riot! There should be an order. Discipline is first and most.
Doll: You dont want to ride, do you? Then, stay here in this dusty shop window!
Soldier: Stay here?! Commanded by this old Fairy?! -- Never! Lets go!
Toys together: Lets go! Lets go!
Engine driver: (Звонит в колокольчик. ) Seigniors, please take your seats. The
train is leaving at midnight.
(Часы бьют 12 раз. Поезд отправляется. Появляется Фея. )
Scene 3
Fairy: New Year! New Year! Everyone enjoys the holiday while Im so busy with
all this stuff! I have to deliver a thousand of presents to children and all within
one night. (Замечают, что нет игрушек. ) Oh! They have stolen it! Blue
Arrow! What is going on! Im wondering if Franchesco did it! What a mean
boy! (Выбегает из дома. ) Thieves! Robbers! Help! Help!
(Немая сцена. Подбегает полицейский. Фея и полицейский машут руками, что-то говорят. Мими прозодит поезд. . )
Soldier: Stop! (Поезд останавливается)
Toys: Whats the matter? What happened?
Soldier: The cavalry is moving in our direction. We can be spotted.
Teddy-bear: Quiet! They can hear us.
(В доме Феи)
Fairy: Just think of it! They stole toys on a New Year eve. (Укладывает игрушки в
корзину. ) If only I were rich! I would give presents to all children for free.
(Одевается. Выходит из дома. Рассматривает зонтик) Its wor

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