The Journey of Blue arrow

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The Journey of Blue arrow
Scene 1
(Франческо -- у витрины игрушечного магазина)
Franchesco: What a beautiful train!
(В доме Феи. )
Fairy: (укладывает игрушки) This is for Jianni and that is for Marchello. …And
this one? Who could have ordered this doll?. . Ah! Certainly, its for Angella.
(замечает за окном Франческо) There he is (Открывается дверь.
Входит Франческо. )
Franchesco: Seigneor Fairy. (Ветер сдувает со стола листы бумаги. )
Fairy: Close the door! Immediatey! (Франческо и Фея собирают разлетевшиеся
листы бумаги. ) Well, What do you need? I guess, youve come to beg this
Blue Arrow train again.
Franchesco: Seigneor, I like this Blue Arrow so much!
Fairy: As far as I remember, your name is Franchesco, isnt it?
Franchesco: Yes, Seigneor, it is.
Fairy: You arent in the list… Dont you see Im busy. It isnt a right day today. I
have no time to speak to you. I have a thousand things to do!
Franchesco: Seigneor Fairy. I have never received a present from you
Обращаясь к Франческо ) Will you finally
leave me?! (Выпроваживает Франческо. Переворачивает табличку на
двери с надписью Closed )
Puppy: (Обращаясь к игрушкам ) What is she saying to him?
Fairy: Everyone wants to get nice presents from the Fairy but no one is wiling to
pay. Everyone asks for a loan. And this one… wants the Blue Arrow, the
most expensive toy!. . May be, He also wants to receive all the passengers as a
gift! (Уходит. Игрушки оживают. )
Scene 2
Monkey: Have you heard? Have you heard? She wont give him anything for
Christmas this year?
Doll: She is totally heartless. That is what I say. Poor thing!
Monkey: Poor, poor Franchesco!
Puppy: I wish I were g

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