The Economics of Energy: Basic Trends

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. But eventually, no discovery, however fast, can increase the amount of fuel in the ground. This only makes it possible for us to turn the available reserves to human uses more rapidly. A rapid discovery and use of fossil fuels may, though, destroy the balance of reserves used and those conserved for future use. How much this is desirable depends on the prospects for alternative fuel sources, such as solar energy, nuclear power, fusion processes using water, and ocean tides, the profitability of those future sources is mostly unknown now. Only if other sources are going to be cheap and to meet the demands of growing population, the rapid discovery and use of oil deposits can be considered to be desirable, whereas uncertain prospects for new technology will raise oil prices rapidly now, which will be a disincentive rather than an incentive for speeding up the use of new oil. б)
Используя текст, закончите следующие предложения:
Economists believe oil-producing countries to use up most of their oil reserves . . . 2. The choice of a fuel to be produced in future depends . . . 3. At present, the price of oil rises because . . . 4. A rise in oil prices results in . . . 5. The search for new oil deposits is mainly done in . . . 6. The marginal revenue of exploration decreases since . . . 7. The rapid discovery and use of new oil deposits is desirable provided . . .
Список используемой литературы:
Английский язык для студентов экономических специальностей. Глушенкова Е. В. , Комарова Е. Н. - М. : 2003 - 352 с
https://lingua-airlines. ru

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