Homes that he stole the diamond
2. Holmes and Watson talk to the man from Mr Breckinridges shop.
Ex 2. Look at the story sections again. Which section do you think is the start of the story? Which section do you think is the end of the story?
1. The start of the story is section 3 - the blue diamond is missing.
2. The end of the story is section 6 - Ryder admits he stole it.
1. At Mr Breckinridges shop , Holmes and Watson see a man there.
Ex 3. How do you think the story develops? Read the sections again and put them in order to make the story. Go through the answers. Ask stronger students to explain the order by referring to the story development and use of a and the.
1. section 3 5. section 1
2. section 5 6. section 8
3. section 2 7. section 7
4. section 4 8. section 6
Talk about it
Ex 4. Think about the story sections again. Use the pictures on page 52 and the words in the boxes to tell the story to your partner. Put students in pairs. Give students time to make a note of who the people are, what happened at each place, and events related to the verbs and nouns.
IV. The blog of Intellectual training
Where was the blue diamond found?
V. The blog of Conclusion
If you are Sherlock Holmes what will you do?
Ex 5. Look at the picture of James Ryder and answer the question. Ask students what James Ryder did in the story and what stage of the story is shown in the picture.
Possible answer:
James Ryder is talking to Sherlock Holmes and looks sad because he regrets that he stole the diamond and then lost it.
Ex 6. 3. 22 Listen to James Ryder talk about his story. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Answers:<
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