ия о том как их одноклассник провел каникулы. Ученики, прослу - шавшие предложение, выражают свое согласие или несогласие с ними. Учащиеся работают по цепочке.
And now we are going to play the game "Gypsy". Think of different statements about " Holidays". Your classmates canagree or disagree with you.
- You spent your summer holidays in the country. (I agree with you. I spent my summer holidays in the country. )
- You didnt go to the country in July. (I disagree with you. I went to the country in July. )
- The weather was rainy last August. (I disagree with you. The weather wasnt rainy last August. )
- It was interesting to spend your summer holidays in the city. (I agree with you. It was interesting to spend your summer holidays in the city)
- You visited your grandparents in June, (I disagree with you. I didnt visit my grandparents in June. )
- You gathered mushrooms in July. (I agree with you. I gathered mushrooms in July. )
V. Работа с карточками.
Now we are going to work with the cards. You must fill in the gaps.
abroa holday
foregn weeknd
pend county
trvel smmer
stat fne
Ключи: abroad, foreign, spend, travel, start, holiday, weekend, country, summer, fine.
VI. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи по теме "Каникулы". (5 минут)
Now you will work in pairs and make up the dialogue about your summer holidays. You can see the plan of your dialogue on the blackboard. I give you 5 minutes.
План диалога:
Ask your friend:
The place
The weather
People youve met
Interesting places
VII. Заключительный этап урока.
Now listenyour marks.
Homework. Wo
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