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Ход урока
Цели урока:

совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи;
трени - ровка навыков устной речи по теме "Каникулы";
закрепление навыков выражения согласия и несогласия.
Проверка навыков орфографии.

I. Оргмомент.
Приветствие. Беседа с дежурным.
Today we are going to speak about your holidays; to remember learnt the words and expressions; to make up and act out adialogue and to work individual with the cards.
Start our lesson!
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
Ученики читают слова хором, в парах и индивидуально.
I want you to read the words from the blackboard now. Who can read them aloud? Lets read them all together in a whisper.
Can you translate them?
Запись на доске:
to spend parents
to go abroad
to miss a trip
to take shopping
to enjoy holidays
to start mushrooms
to gather care of

to spend holidays, to take care of, to go abroad, to miss parents, to start a trip, to enjoy shopping, to go shopping, to gather mushrooms.

III. Речевая разминка.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя, используя слова, записанные на доске
The next task for you is to use the words and word combinations from the blackboard and answer my questions. Are you ready to start?
Вопросы учителя:
- Where did you spend your holidays?
- Do you take care of your granny?
- Will you go abroad next summer?
- Did you go shopping on your holiday?
- Do you like to gather mushrooms?
- Did you have a trip last summer?
- Does your mother enjoy shopping?
- Can you gather mushrooms all day long?

IV. Закрепление навыков выражение согласия или несогласия.
Дети придумывают утвержден

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