Способы приготовления пищи

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s. Here is some powdered sugar (сахарная пудра) to mix (смешать) with the whites when you are through (заканчивать). . . . Thats about all, I think. Thank you dear, youve been a great help to me. Only put the fish jelly (рыбный студень) into the refrigerator, and then you may be free till evening.
Now will you help me in laying the table (накрыть на стол)? The guests will come in an hour. Well be twelve altogether, so lay twelve places. Take the dishes for refreshments ( возьми посуду для напитков) from the sideboard (буфета) and put them on the table. Now fetch (принеси) the wine glasses (стаканы) - one for each cover (прибор).
We shant uncork (открывать) the bottles. Thats a mans job, of course, but get the corkscrew (штопор) ready. Now, while Im busy in the kitchen reheating (подогревать) some dishes, you open these tins (консервы). Here is the tin opener (консервный нож) for you.
II. Answer the following questions.
What is to be prepared to the party?
What is the daughter doing while her mother is slicing the carrots?
What are they going to do with the potatoes?
What salad is the daughter preparing?
What was in the oven?
What is the mother going to bake?
What kind of filling has she prepared?
Who will beat the eggs for the dough?
What must be put into the refrigerator?
Who is laying the table?
How many guests are coming?
Is the mother going to uncork the bottles? Who will do it?
What is the daughter doing while the mother is reheating some dishes?
What does she need to open the tins?
III. Home task:
Youll have guests in the evening. You should tell what dishes will be served, how you will prepare these dishes, and what you will treat your guests with.

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