e interlocked rings. The blue ring symbolizes Europe, the black ring- Africa, the red ring-America, the yellow ring-Asia, the green ring-Australia. The Olympic flag appeared in the Olympic competition for the first time in 1920.
Vitalik: Thank you. What do you know about the Olympic flame?
P2: The Olympic flame has been the traditional attribute of the Olympic Games since 1936. It is set aflame by the suns rays on Mt. Olympus and then it is carried hand-to-hand by the relays of runners from the original site of the Olympic Games. It burns in the special bowl in the stadium as a symbol of peace among men.
Vitalik: The Olympic motto is in Latin. What does it mean?
P3: The Olympic motto is "Citius, altius, fortius". These Latin words mean: "Faster, higher, stronger". Since 1920 it has been used in the Olympics.
P4: And I know some mascots. The mascot of Moscow 1980 Olympic Games was bear "Misha". The mascot of Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games was a cartoon dog "Coby". The mascot of Athens 2004 Olympic games for Russian sportsmen was "Cheburashka".
P5: And I know that at the opening ceremony there is a parade of all sportsmen of every nation who take part in the Olympic Games. They carry their national flags and wear different beautiful uniforms. After the
parade a cultural performance takes place.
P6: And I know that the 22nd summer Olympic Games were held in Moscow in 1980. It was the first time the Olympic Games were held in
our country. Our sportsmen won 80 gold, 69 silver, 46 bronze medals during this Games .
Vitalik: Thank you, my friends. Now, finish your projects. See you later. Bye!
Cl: Bye!
Vitalik: Ну, что же. Посмотрим, что у них получится. . . Выключай.
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