, together with the ability to work closely with other team members in the most dangerous situations.
Zorbing is the latest adventure experience from New Zealand. It involves rolling around in a ball, or zorb three metres in diameter. It requires no more skill than a hamster running in its wheel as centrifugal force keeps the zorbonaut pinned inside the zorb. Although zorbonauts have hurtled downhill at speeds of 50 kilometres per hour, the air cushioning inside means they do not risk hurting themselves too seriously.
Task 1. Read about extreme or dangerous sports again. Think and say. Give reasons for your answer.
- Can we consider these activities to be sports?
- Which of them do you think is most enjoyable?
- Which of them do you think is most difficult to learn?
- Which of these sports are often shown on television?
- Do you think any of these sports are suitable for women?
- Which of these extreme sports would you most and least like to do?
- What is the reason for the changing nature of modern sports?
Task 2. Of which of the sports, A-G are the following true?
You do not need to have any special skills.
You need to cooperate with a group of people.
It was started by the inventors of another extreme sport.
You can hurt yourself whilst trying to stop.
You need to be both strong and psychologically prepared.
It offers reasonably good protection from injury.
It could get you into trouble with the police.
You can make your own protection for your feet.
Task 3. What is your attitude towards extreme sports? Work in small groups. Answer the following questions. Share your ideas with the rest of the class.
- Is it good/bad to participate in extreme sports?
- Do you agree that
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