Совершенствование коммуникативных компетенций на отдельных этапах урока с использованием сингапурских структур, направленных на развитие креативного мышления обучающихся

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Мастер-класс "Совершенствование коммуникативных компетенций на отдельных этапах урока с использованием сингапурских структур, направленных на развитие креативного мышления обучающихся".
-Good morning, dear colleagues. Im glad to see you. Today Id like to share with my experience of teaching English and demonstrate some Singapore structures. Its very popular nowadays. We should use it during our lessons.
First lets greet your "shoulder" partner fist to fist, greet your "face" partner hand to hand. Say the complements to each other. Dont forget to give your smile.
I hope that you are fine and full energy and ready to do our lesson interesting and rich.
Look at the screen. How wonderful our Earth is and at the same time it is very fragile. We must take great care about it. So today we are going to speak about environmental problems and try to find out the ways how to solve them.
You can see a lot of environmental problems. For example, acid rain, air pollution, water pollution. Match the pictures with the words. ( слайд)
Today we should try to find the solution of these problems.

I. Corners (Углы)
T. And now imagine that you are the presidents of your countries. What problem would you like to solve first of all? There are 4 different problems in the corners of the room. Think it over and then go to that corner, which you have chosen. Explain to your partners your choice.

II. Brainwriting (Перекрестная наметка идей)
1)Everyone tаkes sheet of paper. Каждый возьмите лист бумаги.
Fold the upper part of the sheet. It should take 2 centimeters. Согните верхнюю часть листа на 2 сантиметра.
And write down" A green planet is. . . . " На верхней линии запишите раздражитель &q

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