Школьное образование. Образование в Англии и России. Школа нашей мечты

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for real life.
- After finishing school they go to Universities or Colleges.
V. Закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков по теме "Школа" (слайд 15).
- Now you will complete the text with these expressions. Lets read the sentences one by one and translate.
VI. Совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме "Школа" (слайды 16-19)
1) What do you think about a perfect school? Read the list of the ideas about a perfect school.
2) Do you agree with them? Share your ideas, please.
3) (Слайды 20-28). Now we shall talk about our school.
- What can you say about our school? Describe it.
- What classrooms are there? What subjects do you study?
- What foreign language do you study?
- Do you go in for sport? Do you have Physical Education?
- What activities do you take part in?
- What are the relations between our teachers and students? What is the atmosphere in our school?
- Do you like our school and why?
VII. Обучение учащихся работе в группе. Совершенствование навыков письменной речи
Divide into groups of two
- You will draw a poster and write your own proposals about a school your dream. You have 5 minutes then we shall listen to your opinion.
VIII. Подведение итогов урока
- Thats all for today. Thank you for your active work!
IX. Homework.
- Ex. 35 page 96. Write a letter about your school.

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