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1. Организационный момент:
Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you?
What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today?
Look at the screen, think and say what is the topic of our lesson? Right you are! The topic of our lesson is school.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
I listen, sing, window, video, picture
i: clean, read, speak, feed, teacher
o:draw, talk, board, small, tall, wardrobe
a: ask, answer, by heart, classroom, classmate translate,
ei table, break, classmate, wait
aʊcount, down, loudly, house, now, cow, mouth
3. Введение НЛЕ
Open your textbooks at p. ex. 1. Look at the picture and repeat after me.
Teachers table
Now, its time to do some tasks. Look at the board and Make the word .
1. hboloksef -
2. scrmolaso -
3. gba
4. dske
5. fghosild
6. edoiv
7. brado
8. psoetr
Well done. Now look at the picture. Listen to what Jim told his mother about his new classroom. Continue (продолжи) his story.
Example: There is a goldfish in the classroom. . .
Its high up to Compare your classroom with the classroom in the picture. Look at the picture and make the sentences using the example
Example: There is a goldfish in Jims classroom. But
there is no goldfish in our classroom. There is
a board in Jims classroom. And there is a
board in our classroom too.

4. Развитие языковой догадки, навыков сопоставления.
And what do we usually do in the English lesson?
Pair Work: Worksheet 1 Work in pairs. At first, match the words to make up word combinations. The

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