Семейные проблемы

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роверка домашнего задания ( диалоги о конфликтах между родителями и детьми).
3 . Работа с подстановочной таблицей ( составление предложений письменно).
4. Обсуждение семейных проблем ( по интерактивной доске).
5. Домашнее задание ( тест о родителях).
6. Выведение формулы идеальной семьи.


I. Teacher: Good morning children! How are you?
People: Good morning! We are fine. And what about you?
Teacher: I am all right too, thank you. Lets begin our lesson. Today we are going to speak about relationships between children and their parents .
Could you tell me what kind of conflicts are there in your families?
People: - Conflicts between parents and children
oo between a wife and a husband
oo between brothers and sisters
oo between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law
Teacher: Yes, right you are. Thank you. And there are many other conflicts. Answer my questions please.
How often do you argue with the parents?
Do you help about the house?
Do your parents understand your music?
Is it easy to share the room with your sister or brother?
You discuss your problems together in the family, dont you?
II. Teacher: Thank you very much for your answers.
a) Look at the board, read, please, the quotation " The best part of living is loving and giving" How do you think is it easy to live in a family? Why? ( ответы учащихся)
б) Teacher: Lets recall the proverbs about а family.
Look at the board, think a little, match two parts of these proverbs.
Pupils: East or West home is best. . .
Teacher: Thank you very much. You are right.
III. Teacher: As you know the problems in the family can be solved if parents and tee

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