School life

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h your teammates. The student 1 starts.
Table 2 Student 4 tell me please have you changed your opinion about any of this statements after watching the video?
ДинамическаяпаузаFollow the leader.
Leta have a rest and dance. Stand up please. Each student has a chance to lead his team on a certain music. Try to be creative, artistic and musical. Ok?
5. Развитиенавыковмонологической речи.
You were so nice! Brilliant student students.
OK. The next step is called Numbered Heads Together.
1. Students 1rise your hands , please. Students 2, 3,4
2. I ve got questions for you. These questions are on your papers. Table 1 will explain us about Great Britain. Table 2 about Tatarstan.
3. The questions are :
1. How do students get to school?
2. What types of schools in Great Britain do you know?
What is the difference between private and state schools?
3. You have 1 minute to think over your answers.
4. Please, write down your answer on these papers.
5. Now , please stand up. Make a circle. And share your ideas. Define the correct answer.
6. Please, sit down.
7. I want students number 2 come to the blackboard and give your answers.
Well, did you like their answers. A storm of applauds.
We have spoken much about schools today. You have noticed some different and common things between schools.
IV. Итоги урока.
You were so kind, brilliant and nice students. I want one of your wishes about perfect school come true and treat you with a chocolate. Thank you very much.
Рефлексия. Before leaving the class. Fill the ticket please. Complete the missing words and word combinations in the sentences.
The lesson is over. Good bye.

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