Saint Valentines Day

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br/>I have a little valentine
That someone sent to me
Its pink & white
And red & blue,
And pretty as can be.
Forget - me - nots are on the edge,
And tiny roses, too, and
Such a lovely piece of lace,
The very palest blue.
And in the centre there is a heart.
As red as red can be!
And on its written
All in gold, "To you,
With Love, From Me. "
Участники представляют свои версии перевода этого стихотворения, читают другие стихи, посвященные празднику.
The idea of paper time valentines spread thought Europe. They began to take the place of Valentines gifts. Now our students will make their own valentines & present them to their nearest & dearest.
(Команда уходит делать "валентинки")
For a long time valentines were made by hand. In the early 1800s factories began to make valentines. Each valentine card has its own verse or sign. Look at the wall, please & read aloud special valentine signs!
1. My love is Endless.
2. Welcome, Spring!
3. You are at the Top of My List!
4. Im Crazy about you!
5. I Fully Agree with you!
6. You Stole my Heart!
7. Happy New Year!
8. My Heart is Filled with Love for You!
9. Be Happy on Mothers Day!
10. Ive Got My Eye on you!
Well our participants are ready with their Valentine cards! Please, would you present them to your nearest & dearest! Thanks a lot!
- Another valentine tradition is a lovely tradition of singing songs of love. Such greetings were popular even in the Middle Ages. At that time few people could read or write. Lovers usually sang their valentines to their sweet hears. Now well listen to lovely Valentines!
(Songs) "My Bonnie", "Love me Tend

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