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he road to Moscow.
6. You are right.
7. I quite agree with you.
Pupil 3 - Have you ever heard the names of Suvorov and Kutuzov?
Pupil 6
- Alexander Suvorov and Michael Kutuzov are two famous generals.
Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was born in 1729.
He was a noble, honest man, devoted to his country and his people. He took part in many wars. He loved his soldiers and they loved him. His soldiers were never hungry and his officers took care of the soldiers. Suvorov taught his soldiers and officers to be brave. His soldiers were never afraid of the enemy.
Pupil 7 - Michael Kutuzov was Suvorovs pupil. He was born in 1745 in St Petersburg. His father was an engineer in the Russian army. Kutuzov was a brave and honest officer. During the war of 1812 Kutuzov fought a lot of battles. The famous battle of Borodino was the first Russian victory of that war. Napoleon ran away from Russia.
Pupil 8 - Yes, Russia is a rich country. It is rich in forests and mountains, rivers and lakes. There are many important cities, factories and industrial plants all over the country. But it is true to say that Russia is most famous for its people. Russian people are talented. We can name many of those who are well - known all over the world. In America and Australia, in Europe and Asia people read novels by Anton Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy, Feodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Pushkin.
Russian people are kind, open and very hospitable.
Подведение итогов урока.
Teacher: Thank you, my friends. Really youve worked hard today. Weve learned some interesting facts about our country. Your marks are. . . At the next lesson we shall speak about our home town. So, dont forget to write your stories! Good -bye!

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