Путешествия. Загадки нашей планеты

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Оpen the brackets and translate one of them
1. I (to wait) for you since three oclock. Present Perfect Continuous
2. Ann (to read) for an hour already. She already (to read) sixty pages. Present Perfect Continuous, Present Perfect
3. My uncle (to buy) his bike three years ago. Past Simple
Card 3

Определи время (Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous), выдели его признаки, переведи предложения
1. I have been writing a letter since I came home.
2. Where are your gloves? - I put them into my pocket.
3. We have known each other for four years.

3. Развитие навыков устной речи по теме "Путешествия"
-Now I want you to answer my questions. Be active and give the full answers.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя по теме урока. Учитель побуждает учеников давать развернутые ответы.

1. When do you usually travel?
2. Where do you go?
3. Do you collect information about the places you would like to travel?
4. Do you find it useful or not?
5. Do you like to take pictures of different places you pass through?
6. What is the idea behind taking pictures?
7. Do you think that travelling broadens ones mind?
8. Some people travel to far away places not to see people, while others travel to meet people. What about you?
9. What do you think is the point of travelling?
10. What is better- to travel alone or in group? Why?
11. Do you know anything about great travellers of the past? What do you know about them?
12. What places would you like to visit?

13. What kind of transport do you prefer and why?

4. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
- And now you shall work in pairs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of

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