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МОУ "Школа 86 г. Донецка"
Айрапетян Лариса Михайловна
Ход мероприятия
Дети па сцене поют песню на мелодию "Happy birthday ".
Good morning to you!
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear friends!
We are glad to see you.
Mary Poppins. Good morning, children! Did you recognize me, I am Mary Poppins. I am very glad see our friends, our guests! My friends and me are sure you know and like English very much. Do you to travel? As for us we like to travel very much. Lets travel together! Lets visit an unusual country name is English-land. But in what way will we travel?
Подходит к карте Британских островов.
Look at the map, please. Англия находится на Британских островах. Как мы доберемся до нее have no ship, we have по train, we have no plane. Oh, I know. I have a magic umbrella. Here it is. (Б черный зонтик. ) I need a painter. Have you a painter?
Выходит художник.
Mary Poppins. Painter, help me, please! Colour my umbrella, make it many-coloured.
Painter. All right. Ill help you. (Уходит и приносит цветной зонтик. Раскрывает его. ) Что зонтика появилась волшебная сила, надо правильно называть цвета. What colour is this? Children. Its red.
Mary Poppins. Right! What colour is it?
Children. Its blue (yellow, green. . . ).
Mary Poppins. Thank you, painter! Thank you, children! Now, lets begin our journey. But d( know how to greet the people well meet?
Children. Good morning! Hello! How do you do? Glad to see you!
Mary Poppins. Well, I see, you know how to greet. So, lets go on traveling. Close your eyes. (1 вращает зонтик. ) One, two, three. Fly, umbrella, with the children and me. Lets sing the song "Br John"!

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