Программа по внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку

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Now it was half night, Cinderella had to return back home before her stepmother and sisters returned. She remembered what the fairy had said, and without a word of goodbye she slipped from the Princes arms and ran down the steps. As she ran she lost one of her shoes, but not for a moment did she dream of stopping to pick it up!
The Prince who was now madly in love with her picked up the shoes and asked his ministers to go and search for the girl. I will never be content until I find her!"
So the ministers tried the slipper on the foot of every girl in the town but were not successful. When they reached Cinderellas home, her sisters too tried to wear the shoes but unluckily they failed. The shoes didnt fit anyone of them. Cinderella was standing nearby, the ministers asked her to try the shoe as well. Her sisters laughed at this. When Cinderella wore the shoe it fitted perfectly. Everyone was surprised to see that. The prince also reached there, he was happy to find her dream girl. He took Cinderella to his palace and soon they got married.
Cinderella begins a happy life with the prince. . . . .

Приложение 2
Фонетические игры
Игра "Koмары и осы"
Предложите детям вымолвить звук z - z-z-z и объясните, что так в нашей игре будут жужжать комары, потом предложите детям вымолвить звук ð - ð-ð-ð и объясните, что так будут жужжать осы. Каждый раз, когда будут жужжать комары (звук z), дети должны хлопать в ладони, будто отгоняют комаров, а когда зажужжат осы (звук ð), они должны сидеть тихо, чтобы оса их не укусила. Цель игры - научить различать на слух звуки z и ð.
Игра "Пчёлы" (отработка звуков ð-θ)
- Любите ли вы сказки? Тогда слушайте! Одна русская пчела сидела на цветке. Вдруг на тот

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