Problems of Migration

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Skills Impacts of Migrant Workers in Northern Ireland www. delni. gov. uk/skillsimpactsmigrantworkers
In addition to these economic benefits, incomers have helped the health and care services to continue functioning; contributed to cultural diversity; and increased the vitality, especially of some rural schools.
It is clear that immigration can be beneficial for migrants, but only if their rights are protected properly. It can also be economically beneficial for both countries of origin and host countries; however, with present economic and trading structures it is the rich and powerful countries that benefit most. Migration brings social and cultural pressures that need to be taken into account in planning for future services.
Migration also has the potential for bringing peoples together culturally but friction occurs if efforts are not made to dispel the myths held by local people. It is also essential to provide good information about the local way of life to newcomers and ensure opportunities for people to mix and integrate.
Where the economic preconditions exist, migration is inevitable. When people try to prevent immigration it just goes underground.
https://www. embraceni. org/migration/the-pros-and-cons-of-migration/

5. Чтение и обсуждение материала.
6. Учащимся предлагается объединиться в небольшие группы по 3-4 человека и дать ответы на следующие вопросы по данной проблеме: 1. What problems can a migrant in the UK face? 2. How can migration influence the society? Время для работы в группах - 5-7 минут. Участники команд могут использовать словари и грамматические пособия.
7. Презентация групповой работы в классе.
8. Учащиеся посредством дискуссии приходят к единому решению кейса.
7. Рефлек

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