Problems of Migration

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ами как "Обществознание", "География" и "История".
Продукт (итог) урока: решение проблем в рамках кейса о миграции и их презентация в классе.
Ход урока.
1. Вступительное слово учителя.
2. Просмотр документального фильма на английском языке о достижениях современной робототехники " Overcrowded Britain (Unsustainable Immigration - just one more problem caused by the EU)" (ссылка: https://www. youtube. com/).
3. Обсуждение увиденного. Учащиеся выражают свое мнение о том, угрожает ли перенаселение развитым странам, в частности - Великобритании.
4. Учащимся предлагается материал кейса по миграции.
What are the Effects of Increased Migration Locally?
An Oxford Economics research study published by the Department of Employment and Learning (DEL) concluded that migrant workers had helped maintain an adequate labour supply to fuel the 2004 - 2008 economic boom. The availability of migrant labour seems to have made the difference between some businesses surviving, or in the case of food processing, not needing to relocate production abroad. (The authors quote a survey of 600 businesses where 31 said that migrants were important in the survival of their organisation and this rose to 50 in health and social care and agriculture. )
In addition the study indicated that migrants have
facilitated growth in the economy;
brought benefits to the tourism industry through the development of new air routes;
had a positive influence on the productivity or efficiency of local workers;
contributed new ideas and a fresh approach to firms;
and greater cultural links with developing nations that will prove useful in growing international trade.
The Economic, Labour Market and

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