Праздники Великобритании

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Внеклассное мероприятие по страноведению
"Праздники Великобритании"
Учитель английского языка
Кирияк Ю. Э.

Цель: повышение мотивации в изучении языка, расширение кругозора, сплочение коллектива

1 Warming-up
There are some dates on the paper. The pupils should guess what for a holiday is it.

25 Christmas
14 St. Valentines Day

2 The main part

1. We will start our lesson with some information about British holidays.
2. Our task is to look some videos, to guess the holiday, to answer the questions about the holidays you have read.
Our first holiday is Christmas. This is the most interesting religious holiday. (Slide 2).
The word "Christmas" is derived from the words "Christs Mass" - the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. But although Christmas is undoubtedly a Christian celebration, it is also true to say that it is an unusual combination of pagan and Christian festivities.
A Christmas tree stands in everybodys living room at Christmas, shining its good cheer around the room. Sitting on the very top of the tree is a silver star surrounded by tiny lights. All the branches are hung with silver bells, tinsel and sparkling lights. Around the base of the tree lie the gifts and toys wrapped up in bright colourful paper.
The Christmas tree has spread its influence around the world. In fact America adopted it before it found its way to England early in Queen Victorias reign. Now every Christmas British people are sent a huge fir tree from Norway which stands in Trafalgar Square, in the centre of London, shining down on all the people who gather on Christmas Eve.
In pre-Christian times evergreens, trees that remai

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