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I like only snow!!!
Oh, this Christmas nonsense!
When will it stop?
You will go shopping
And shop till you drop!
You look for some presents,
But what can you buy?
You write letters Santa,
But he will never reply.
You must go to parties,
When you can watch TV.
You go out in cold weather,
And get a Christmas Tree.
So, thank you, but never!
No Christmas for me!
2- Dear Snow Queen, we want to have a Christmas party! We want to see Santa Claus! We have worked well and got good marks at school.
SQ- Ok, if you do my tasks? I will give you your balls back and you will have your Christmas party! Are you ready???
1- Вы готовы ребята выполнить все задания снежной королевы?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes!!!!
2- После того как мы выполним правильно задания Снежной Королевы, она вернет нам украшения для нашей рождественской елки! Что за Рождество без елки???
Задание 1.
SQ- So, my first task. You should guess the words. You can see the pieces of ice. Make a new word.
1- На ледяных глыбах написаны части слов, связанные с темой "рождество". Вам нужно соединить эти кусочки льда так чтобы получились целые английские слова.
(Stocking, Santa Claus, reindeer, Christmas, Christmas tree, fireplace, candles, dells).
SQ- Yes, you are really clever! Take the first ball for your tree!
Задание 2.
SQ- The second task is answer to my questions.
2- Снежная Королева будет задавать вам вопросы, а вы должны догадаться о чем или о ком она спрашивает.
1) He is an old man. Children like him because he always bring them a lot of presents in his bag. (Santa Claus)
2) It is green. People put presents under it. What is it???
(Christmas Tree)
3) It is a col

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