Урок изучения нового материала. Урок "Social rules"
1. Приветствие.
T: Hello, boysandgirls! How are you?
Ps:. . .
T: I am glad to see you. Let us introduce ourselves! MynameisAlinaVitalievna. I am going to be your English teacher at the lesson today.
I have got a hobby. My hobby is reading. Have you got a hobby? What is your hobby? I like English. I am an English teacher. Do you like English?
Ps:. . .
2. Просмотр видеоролика. Учащиеся формулируют тему урока, цели и задачи урока.
T: I like to watch films and cartoons. Do you like films and cartoons? OK! Letuswatchthecartoon.
(смотрим видео)
T: How do the children behave in the cartoon? Do they behave well or badly?
Can you tell the children in English how to behave?
So what are we going to study at the lesson today?
T: Welldone! The topic is "Social Rules". (записываем и даем перевод темы)
There are many Social rules. We follow the rules in different places, so we have:
School rules, cinema rules, park rules, library rules. These are social rules.
3. Знакомствосновымифразами по теме.
T: Let us study the rules in English.
(введение новой лексики)
-turn off the mobile
-wash hands
-put litter in the bin
-walk the dog
-take photos
-walk on the grass
-walk on the path
-pick the flowers
-be quiet . . .
4. Активизация новых фраз (с опорой, без опоры, выполнение заданий: фронтальная и парная работа).
T: Welldone! Now takethe whitepaper. Read the task. Translate the task. Work in pairs.
(Находят пару, задания на презентации)
T: Great! Now let us check. (Проверяем)
5. Работа с текстом (lightyellow).
T: Have
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