творение. )
Two little eyes to look around,
Two little ears to hear any sound,
Two little hands to hold hands tight,
Two little feet to walk left or right;
Two little lips to say BEWARE!
And one teenager to cross the roads with care.
(Учитель читает стихотворение, учащиеся по строчке повто - ряют за ним. )
Thats all for today. Goodbye, boys and girls.
(В конце урока учитель сообщает учащимся, что следующий урок будет посвящен проектной работе по теме "Различные изо - бретения человечества". Для выполнения презентации ученикам необходимо подготовить материал по выбранной теме и принести соответствующие фотографии и картинки. )
Домашнее задание
Подготовить материал, фотографии и картинки по теме "Раз - личные изобретения человечества".
Making Friends - Дружба
Do you have many friends?
Do you have many friends on Facebook or Vkontakte?
Do you think your friends on Facebook or Vkontakte are real friends?
Who is your best friend?
Why are you friends?
How did you become friends?
Do you have a girl-/boy-friend?
Is it easy to make friends at school?
Can your family members be your friends?
Should friends agree about everything?
Do remember all your friends birthdays?
What kind of present is the best for somebodys birthday?
How will you make new friends if you change schools or leave school and go to work?
Is it easy to make new friends?
Why is it important to have few best friends?
Can you give an example of real friendship from films or from books?
Can you give an example of real friendship from real life?
тексты на эту тему:
Making Friends
I have loads of friends. There are two hundred friends
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